Sunday, October 28, 2007


One three-second snore. It starts off loud and tapers off gently into a light flutter. Drool. Not a large puddle, but a trickle. Warmth. Softness. Encased in the secure comfort of someone else's arms, uncomfortably around your back and across your chest, you can see everything you love in her. The experience is only served when she is awake, but you see her intelligent eyes and caring smile behind the trickle and hear her compassionate voice through the flutter.

I worry that my relationship isn't passing muster. As a 22 year old without a six pack, living in a different state, out of sight, and continually complaining about not getting into a top law school, I fear I'll bite the dust unless I can show my gal that the marginal benefits outweigh the marginal costs. She predictably thinks in such terms...she's too smart not to. It wouldn't be so hard if she lived in a hole. But in the big apple, I know pickings aren't slim. She probably has her pickings and wants to make a new pick. Or, at least it feels that way.

Or communication is compromised. Our phone calls used to last all lunch, but now only rare nights and rare weekends. I guess I wasn't making great conversation, but that never was the point. I was on the phone, trying.

I only remember that I am a blogger late at night. I doubt any of my posts will be during regular hours. I forget that I've done this as I hit the pillow. But the doubts attack late at night.

I get my LSAT score Monday. I doubt anything earthshattering will come of it. Hopefully it's not worse than last time. I want to go to the University of Michigan and be a law clerk.

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